Children of the Light Books
Experience the many adventures of the Children of the Light! The Christian book series is based on the Fruit of the Spirit as experienced in the lives of nine children living in a lighthouse in northern Wisconsin in 1884-1886.
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A Cobblestone Island Fantasy

A fantasy sequel to the Children of the Light series!

Author: Mary I. Schmal

Illustrator: Leanne R. Ross

Author Mary Schmal and illustrator Leanne Ross are suddenly whisked inside the stories in the Children of the Light books! Story plots begin to change with Leanne and Mary on the scene! The two misplaced visitors pop in and out of events happening in 1884 and 1885. Will they ever return to the 21st century? Biblical truths are woven throughout the humorous adventures in the lives of characters they have created—the nine Children of the Light. The book includes numerous new water color illustrations.

Available August 10

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Click HERE for information for the BOOK LAUNCH EVENT on August 10 for 

A Cobblestone Island Fantasy.

Paperback $18.95

(In Stock August 10)


Complete Sets of the Children of the Light Series

By Mary I. Schmal  -  Illustrated by Leanne R. Ross 

The gift boxed set is a perfect gift idea for readers young and old.   More info . . .

  • Complete Set of 6 Books
  • Character Reference Booklet
  • Bookmarks
  • Author and Illustrator signatures
  • LED Lighted 1880s Style Lantern

Complete Gift Box Set: $110.00  (In Stock)


The wood crate set includes all six books in the Children of the Light series.  

More info . . .

  • Wood Storage Crate
  • Complete Set of 6 Books
  • Character Reference Booklet
  • Bookmarks
  • Author and Illustrator signatures

Complete Wood Crate Set: $105.00 

(In Stock)


The complete set includes all six books in the Children of the Light series.   

More info . . .

  • Complete Set of 6 Books
  • Character Reference Booklet
  • Bookmarks
  • Author and Illustrator signatures

Complete Set: $99.00  (In Stock)


Read Chapter 1
Book 1
The Wandering Pirate Ship

by Mary I. Schmal
illustrated by Leanne R. Ross 
Twelve year-old Lillian Bates finds herself in a battle of sibling rivalry with her intelligent little brother. She also gives into envy over what others have and she lacks. She struggles to love. Lillie faces losing a precious part of her life, and thus begins her journey toward a more full understanding of love, a special gift and a Fruit of the Spirit.  More Information . . .

Study Guide - Available for classroom use
Character Booklet - Quick reference to book characters
Audio Book - Audio download of Book 1 is available below

Paperback: $15.95 (In Stock)
Hardcover: $30.95 (In Stock)
 Student Study Guide: $10.95
Personalized Signed Copy: +$2.00
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Listen to the author and illustrator read The Wandering Pirate Ship.

Download Book 1 Audio File: $10.00


Book 2
Moon Glow and Twisted Brew

by Mary I. Schmal
Illustrated by Leanne R. Ross
While looking at the stars one night on Cobblestone Island, eleven year-old Julia Bates and her twelve year-old sister, Lillian, overhear a shocking conversation. They hear a man and woman whisper about making mysterious concoctions. Later they discover in the woods, a crude little building full of bubbling pots containing dangerous brew.. Through many exciting adventures, Julia and Paulina learn the importance of joy and peace in their lives. More Information . . .

Study Guide - Available for classroom use
Character Booklet - Quick reference to book characters

Paperback: $16.95 (In Stock)
Hardcover: $29.95 (In Stock)
Student Study Guide: $10.95
Personalized Signed Copy: +$2.00
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Book 3
Trapped in the Tower

by Mary I. Schmal
Illustrated by Leanne R. Ross
Luke and Garrett befriend Three Leaning Trees, the son of Nektosha Chief Black Stone. The three boys soon encounter something sinister in the dark woods. Their adventure continues inside a soaring tower on the banks of Cobblestone Island. While climbing the tower's winding stairs, they are surprised to see a bat flying out of a trap door and a snake-like form trailing away. Once at the top of the tower, the boys make an important discovery! Luke learns the value of patience. He also recognizes Garrett's gentleness and humility, gifts from God meant for all "Children of the Light."  More information . . .

Character Booklet - Quick reference to book characters

Paperback: $15.95 (In Stock)
Hardcover: $28.95 (In Stock)
Personalized Signed Copy: +$2.00
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Book 4
A Cobblestone Island Christmas

by Mary I. Schmal
Illustrated by Leanne R. Ross
In 1884 on Cobblestone Island, all nine Children of the Light take part in a festive Christmas program that brings many surprises. A new auditorium is constructed just for the big event. However, disasters in rehearsals leading up to the main event nearly cause the cancellation of the Christmas service itself. Two troublemakers pulling pranks, costume and prop disasters, and animals on the stage create chaos beyond belief. Throughout the problems, a wondrous occurrence takes place during the service that creates the greatest surprise of all in the end. Madeline's kindness and Gabriel's goodness, two Fruit of the Spirit, shine through. More information . . .

Character Booklet - Quick reference to book characters

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Paperback: $17.95 (In Stock)
Hardcover: $31.95 (In Stock)
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Book 5
Fireworks and Foggy Farewells

by Mary I. Schmal
Illustrated by Leanne R. Ross
Unexpected events occur in 1885 on Cobblestone Island for the nine Children of the Light. In dense fog, characters leave the island. Three beloved characters bid farewell while rightful owners of Cottage Parakaleó return to the island. The pirates reappear, but one is up to no good. The boys discover a hidden treasure in their hideaway cave. Fireworks light up the island, objects continue to disappear, and children get locked in a cellar. One mystery is solved with startling results. Thomas and his Nektosha friend, Warm Autumn Breeze, hold a secret they dare not share until the time is right. Throughout the adventures, Thomas is reminded that self-control is a Fruit of the Spirit that blesses not only him but all “Children of the Light.” More information . . .

Character Booklet - Quick reference to book characters

Paperback: $17.95 (In Stock)
Hardcover: $31.95 (In Stock)
Personalized Signed Copy: +$2.00
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Book 6
Keys to the Mysteries

by Mary I. Schmal
Illustrated by Leanne R. Ross
The final book in the Children of the Light series brings answers and solutions to all mysteries in the first five books. Adventures of the nine children that began in 1884 find the children now two years older in 1886. Some tiny keys unlock secrets from a desk, a box, and a crate. A skeleton key exposes a thrilling surprise behind a puzzling lighthouse door. Pirates unload unusual treasure. Lucinda DePere’s secret wows not only islanders but her two adoring suitors as well. Florence “Dellie” Delight wonders why she is the only one of the nine children not to have received a special gift. But she never loses faith. She knows that faithfulness is a blessed Fruit of the Spirit that is given to her and all “Children of the Light.”

Character Booklet - Quick reference to book characters

Paperback: $17.95 (In Stock)
Hardcover: $31.95 (In Stock)
Personalized Signed Copy: +$2.00
Enter Name of Recipient

Character Booklet

NEW! The 20-page Character Booklet is a handy quick reference that helps readers of the Children of the Light series sift through the many but vital characters in the books. The Character Booklet is fully illustrated, just like each of the six books in the series. Characters are listed alphabetically by their family name.

Paperback: $4.95  (In Stock)


Study Guides

$10.95   (Download Only)
FREE with orders of 5 or more books! 
A link to download the guide will be sent after ordering.

Complete Study Guides are available for The Wandering Pirate Ship and Moon Glow and Twisted Brewthe first two books in the Children of the Light series. More information . . . 

Lighthouse Digest Features Children of the Light Books

The national publication Lighthouse Digest features an article by author Mary Schmal on the Children of the Light series! Lighthouse Digest is the premiere publication for those interested in the history and stories behind America's lighthouses.  Click on the article image at the right to read the complete article.

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